Monday, January 18, 2010

Just Another Average Day

It was a completely average day. I really wish I could say that something of great importance happened, or that it was wonderful day, hell, I can't even say that it was a bad day. Nope, it was totally average.

I debated all day on going to Whole Foods and making myself a beautiful dinner and going and picking up a new bottle of wine, but remembering that I have a dinner party to go tomorrow night, dinner with TH Wednesday night, I would not be able to finish my bottle of Casa until Thursday, and well friends, I am not about to see how long a bottle of wine can last.

So, home it was, for some Casa! I am having a mish-mosh for dinner. A mish-mosh you ask? Its just a little of this and a little of that. I started with some fresh mozzarella, then moved on to a cheese spread with some strawberry red chili chili, and I think for the main course, hold on to your hats, tuna and crackers! Yup, that's a mish-mosh.

So, its been about 5 days since I opened Casa and all I can say is has moved forward into a more jam flavored wine. Full of plum and dark berries. I would think at day 5 one would most likely throw away a bottle of wine, but really, its not bad, its simply average and not going to make or change the way my day was.

I am relaxed tonight and ready to watch Jack take on the world on 24 at his side will be my fellow La Cueva Alum, Freddie Prinz Jr. This is going to be an amazing season!

I am sorry there is nothing of great interest going on tonight, but hey, wasn't I just saying the other day that my DVR was on overload? Sometimes a girl just needs a night in even if it is with an AVERAGE wine and an AVERAGE dinner.


1 comment:

Clark said...

We all have lots of those average days. It is nice to know that others do also! Cheers!