Saturday, January 2, 2010

January 2, 2010

It was a hell of a two weeks. Working day and night, and the nights I was not working I spent most going out to dinner and drinks with friends. I could not help but to make it out of bed today once or twice to get a cup of coffee and now, I have to have my obligatory glass of White Zin. Just looking at the bottel I think to myself, Wow, thats a lot of juice.

Reluctantly I just proud myself a glass. The problem with White Zin is that it goes down so easily and before you know it, you're a bottle down and knowing in the morning its going to be a miserable mistake.

I sit here drinking this dare I say, mellow dramatic glass of wine thinking how much I miss my old friend Mark West. I can't immagine calling a friend up and saying, "hey want to share a bottle of White Zin with me?" Could you immagine the reactions I would get!

Its funny, mabye about 10 years ago, this was all I would ever drink. Now I just can't stand the idea of finishing this bottel.

It is absolutely freezing here in Philadelphia and I would love to curl up with a nice bottle of red wine, but I hope that by the end of this one, I will have a new appreciation for this. As you can tell, this one is a struggle to get through. I am trying to not hate, but...the rumoures are true. This has to be one of the worst wines to end your night with. I can however see how it would go down so quickly that you would need to order another and yet another and yet another.

So, dear friends, if you are looking for a cheap drunk head out to your local pub or restaurant and order up a glass. You may be sorry, but at least your taste buds will pop!



Clark said...

I drank a bottle of Mark last night all by myself!

LotzKelly said...

I just started drinking red wine a few months ago when I never thought I'd stray from whites! Do you think that Red Zin is looked down upon like White Zin is with wine connoisseurs? Or, is it different? I happen to love the taste of Red Zin, but I abhor White Zin. It's just way too sweet and it's hard for me to consider it a "real wine"; although, I realize it is one.

Phillydiamond said...

Kelly, Red Zin and White Zin are very different. There are some fantastic Red Zins out there. You say that you don't like Reds that much...are you looking for something that is sweet or dry, full or light body? You may want to start with Shiraz or Pinot Noir. Do not start with a Cab or a full body Merlot. Yellow Tail makes a really good Shiraz for like $10 a bottle. Let me know what you think.