Wednesday, February 24, 2010

It all takes time

I had a long day. A really long day. We are expecting our 4th snow storm of the season. And when I say snow storm, I mean, its been given a name, it is now called a Snow-icane. If you recall, we also had the Mid-Atlantic Monster earlier this year, well, it's time to nestle in and pray for the best, but expect the worst.

So, with everyone else in town, I stood in line, loaded up on bread, coffee creamer, canned goods for chili and yes, oh yes, I will not go with out my wine for this one. It is still unknown just how much this storm is expected to dump on us or if I will be working in the days to come, but at least I am prepared either way.

I sit here tonight after an exhausting day of demanding guests, horrific traffic and cold wet weather. I walked around the wine store for a good amount of time before deciding on tonight's wine. Jacobs Creek Shiraz, 2007 is spicy with a very strong layer of licorice. The flavor of plum and pepper are notice right away at the tip of the tongue. I'm not sure if I like this wine. I want to like this wine, I want to love it, but I am just having a very difficult time with it. I almost feel like I am TRYING to like the wine as opposed to, taking a sip and just knowing I was going to enjoy it.

Jacobs Creek is from South Eastern Australia, but the grapes have been selected from various Australian regions to make a single varietal. I just feel that with all the hard work that has gone into this bottle, I should be getting something more. Something, that makes me love this wine.

I so badly want to love this wine. HA, I just realized I have a parallel with wine and my life, yet again! My friend Dana said to me yesterday, "you want to be in love so badly, it will happen, just let it." I thought about it last night and it occurred to me that not only was she right, but not only do I want to love and be loved, but I am also getting in the way of letting that happen.

I find myself pushing, pressing, searching for the good, and holding on with both hands, almost for dear life. I can't do that. I can't do that with wine, I can't do that with relationships, I can't do that with life.

Everything takes time to develop, wine, life, love. If you find that things are not what you want them to be, if you are not enjoying them, maybe you are standing in the way of them developing. Give it time, let it breath, and you never know how delicious it can turn out.


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